
Bloor Homes inundated with objections to proposed Fair Oak development

ADD UPDATE: 19 August 2024: If Bloor Homes were hoping that their low-key public consultation for a proposed 250-home estate in Mortimers Lane would go under the radar, they have certainly had a rude awakening. More than 60 residents sent objections in just eight days after ADD alerted supporters to the plans, an exceptional response that shows the strength of feeling locally.

To put that number into context, when Eastleigh Borough Council launched a much more widely publicised and accessible consultation into plans for two new developments in Allington Lane back in 2015, they received just five objections.

Whilst we have not yet had time to study residents’ views in detail, nearly everyone was concerned about the impact on our already overcrowded roads, with many expressing similar worries about GP services. No one disputed the need for new homes, but there was considerable annoyance at the apparent attempt by the company to pre-empt the planning timetable, which will determine the best locations for future development.

“I would like to express our heart-felt gratitude to our supporters for their prompt response in sending their objections,” said ADD chair David Ashe. “We totally endorse the need for more housing, but we regard the Bloor plans as a textbook case of the wrong homes in the wrong place.”

To view ADD’s own response, click here.

Separately from ADD’s initiative, local Liberal Democrat councillor Nick Couldrey has made his opposition clear, telling the Daily Echo that “the current proposal should be resisted…There are many proposals and these need to be compared to each other before deciding where any new homes should be built.”

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