
HCC elections: Catherine Hutchinson, Labour candidate for Winchester Downlands, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 2 May 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 2 May, Catherine Hutchinson, Labour candidate for Winchester Downlands, sent us the following email:

“I wholly endorse the Action Against Destructive Development campaign. Eastleigh Borough Council’s options B and C are needlessly destructive. They cut across irreplaceable ancient woodland with a road that will increase traffic congestion and pollution. They involve injudicious building on precious areas of biodiversity. Working with housing associations, local organisations and councils Corbyn’s Labour has a housing policy that prioritises affordable, environmentally friendly homes including social housing and rental properties, all linked by a transport system that is “integrated, green and efficient”. These are the kind of sustainable and socially inclusive housing solutions Bishopstoke and Fair Oak need.”

Catherine Hutchinson, Labour candidate for Winchester Downlands