
Time to act as Bloor Homes submit plans for 245 homes off Mortimers Lane, ignoring local opinion. Don’t let them get away with it!

ADD Update, 13 January 2025: ADD supporters will recall that in August Bloor Homes undertook a so-called consultation for its plans for a 250-home estate on Mortimers Lane, north of Fair Oak (see map above). In eight days, over 60 local residents sent strong objections to the company. See ADD’s article on the matter, and our response, here.

Sadly, Bloor Homes have ignored these objections and have now submitted an outline application to Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC) for a 245-home development, running roughshod over EBC’s current consultation on its new Local Plan. It is extremely unlikely that Bloor Homes will have shared the local objections with the council, so – as per the message from EBC below – we are now asking everyone who sent a message to Bloor Homes to send it on to EBC’s planning specialist Clare Martin at [email protected].

Of course, if you did not get around to sending an objection first time around, we urge you to do so to Clare Martin now. As local Liberal Democrat councillor Nick Couldrey has made clear to the Daily Echo, “the current proposal should be resisted…There are many proposals and these need to be compared to each other before deciding where any new homes should be built.”

ADD will always remain vigilant for the local community and – working together – we remain confident we will ensure the right homes are built for us in the right places.

Thank you for continued support, and for taking action on this now!


From: Planning (Eastleigh Borough Council) 
Sent: 08 January 2025 09:26
Subject: Planning Application Consultation Request O/24/98619

Application No: O/24/98619
Address: Land South of Mortimers Lane, Fair Oak
Description: Outline application with all matters reserved (apart from access) for the construction of up to 245 dwellings (Use Class C3) and up to 350sqm multi-functional building (Use Class E – commercial, business or service or Use Class F2 – Community), with associated open space and play area, landscaping, SuDS, infrastructure, mobility hub and vehicular access off Mortimers Lane.

Would you please let me have your observations on the above application.

You can access the plans and documents via our portal O/24/98619

In order to meet the Government’s challenging targets for our speed of determining applications, we require any comments you wish to make within 21 days from the date of this memo.  Failure to meet this time period will usually result in an application being determined without your comments being considered.

Please reply to the planning officer on the below email address.

Planning Specialist Contact Details
Email: [email protected]

Kind regards