ADD UPDATE, 11 November 2016: Nearly five months after refreshing our website and, more generally, committing to contribute more forcibly to the debate about Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s forthcoming Local Plan, over 1,400 people have told us they are opposed to the proposed development of 6,000+ new houses and a major new road in, and north of, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, namely EBC’s options B and C. We have also heard strong criticism for these plans from the three affected MPs, as well as 20 organisations with a direct stake in the area. Lastly, we have also heard doubts about these plans from local borough councillors.
Extraordinarily, bar some remarks from EBC Leader Keith House alluding to his support for options B and C, we have not yet heard a single voice in favour of these options, or indeed any opposition to our message at all. Given our strong desire to provide a balanced view – our campaign is not linked to, or against, any political party – we would love to do so.
We recognise we must build new houses but believe options B and C to be the most destructive and unsustainable of all EBC’s options. However if you prefer these options over other ones, such as D and E, please do email us to convey your perspective – particularly if you are an elected official (whether or not you are in a leadership role).
Thank you.