
Letter to the Echo: Eastleigh’s local plan is driven only by financial gains

Letter to the Echo from Richard May, Eastleigh, 4 April 2017: Eastleigh Borough Council’s local plan that will devastate the Stoke Park Wood area is yet another of their crazed schemes driven only by the perceived financial gains that it will create. Where we can fight these plans is at the ballot box. There is desperate need for political change in Eastleigh. We all need to vote at the imminent local election. Less than 30% of us bother to vote and as a result many of the ruling Lib Dem councillors retain their seat with just 10% of the vote. I urge all those fighting these plans to vote. The possibility of losing political power will frighten this Council more than any other action.


HCC elections: Jan Warwick, Conservative candidate for Winchester Downlands, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 28 April 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 28 April, Jan Warwick, Conservative candidate for Winchester Downlands, sent us the following email:

“Options A and B are of concern to the residents of Otterbourne, Twyford and Colden Common. While we recognise that Eastleigh, like Winchester, needs to build additional houses, we are concerned about the impact on our area. The road will cross unspoilt flood plains at the River Itchen. The plan includes many houses visibly built on open countryside. We are concerned that more traffic, risk of flooding and threat to local wildlife will impact on the lives of residents in Highbridge and Otterbourne.”

Jan Warwick, Conservative candidate for Winchester Downlands


Campaigners against options B and C get boost while HCC candidate Mike Thornton remains uniquely silent in key ward

ADD UPDATE, 28 April 2017: It’s not just ADD that is determined to protect our threatened ancient woodland. We’ve no less an ally now than the government minister in charge of such things. On 24 April, in response to a question from Eastleigh MP Mims Davies, Planning Minister Gavin Barwell told the Commons that ancient woodlands, like Eastleigh’s Stoke Park Wood and Park Hills Wood, are “a precious resource inherited from previous generations and which cannot be easily replaced”. Moreover, he confirmed the government’s commitment to protecting ancient woodland and said measures to protect them would be increased.

The news comes as a relief to the host of national bodies campaigning to protect the ancient woodland north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak from proposals by Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC). As ADD supporters know, EBC wishes to build 6,000+ new houses on glorious green fields and serve them with a major new road that would squeeze between two ancient woodlands – Stoke Park Wood and Crowdhill Copse – before it crosses the River Itchen, which has the highest possible European protection.

In addition to the three local MPs and local Green MEP, bodies against these plans now include the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), the Woodland Trust, the Hampshire & Isle of White Wildlife Trust, the Angling Trust, the Test and Itchen Association, and the Forestry Commission. As TV naturalist Chris Packham has put it, the borough’s ancient woodland and waterways are of “national importance” and EBC’s plans amount to “eco-vandalism”.

All the candidates for the Bishopstoke and Fair Oak ward for the Hampshire County Council elections on 4 May are firmly against options B and C, with the exception of one: the Liberal Democrat candidate Mike Thornton, who remains totally silent on the issue. Unlike all the other candidates, Mr Thornton has ignored our invitation to comment on the plans.

But, given Eastleigh Borough Council’s intransigence, the battle is not over (by any means), so if you would like to add your support, why not drop a line to the editors of the Daily Echo (email: [email protected]) or the Hampshire Chronicle (email: [email protected])? They’d love to hear from you.


HCC elections: Andy Moore, UKIP candidate for Eastleigh North, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 27 April 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 27 April, Andy Moore, UKIP candidate for Eastleigh North (including Allbrook), sent us the following email:

“Over the last few years I have been finding lots of pollution problems with sewage leaking into our rivers. This happens mainly when it rains. Southern Water say the sewage treatment works is now maxed out and will take five years of upgrading to cope with what was on the last forward plan. EBC does not have one now so, until this very important infrastructure is in place, options B and C should not be allowed to proceed. This would, without consideration, destroy our green fields and the wildlife that depends on it. Stop all uncontrolled building.”

Andy Moore, UKIP candidate for Eastleigh North


HCC elections: Max Priesemann, Green candidate for Winchester Downlands, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 27 April 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 27 April, Max Priesemann, Green candidate for Winchester Downlands (including Otterbourne), sent us the following email:

“I oppose the proposed plan for north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak as it will increase traffic and pollution even within the Downlands division. Valuable woodland and ecosystems need to be preserved for wildlife and local communities. Affordable housing is required for locals but it needs to be planned sustainably:

  • Affordable housing for local people,
  • No more pollution and congestion from increased car traffic,
  • Save cycle routes,
  • Tram routes linking with the railway network to provide convenient alternatives to commute to Southampton, Winchester and beyond,
  • Investment in schools, libraries, health centres and community halls,
  • No housing development in flood plains.”

Max Priesemann, Green candidate for Winchester Downlands


Appeal to ADD supporters – please sign this petition by 2 May!

APPEAL TO ADD SUPPORTERS: PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION BY 2 MAY, 26 April 2017: As ADD supporters know, the protection of ancient woodland is an important issue in our efforts to prevent Eastleigh Borough Council from pressing ahead with its plans to build 6,000+ new houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak (namely options B and C of its Local Plan). The beautiful countryside in this area includes seven sites of ancient woodland: Stoke Park Wood, Crowdhill Copse, Upper Barn Copse, Hill Copse, Park Hills Wood, Hallands Copse and Tippers Copse.
The government’s recent housing white paper suggests giving additional protection for sites of ancient woodland within the National Planning Policy Framework. However, the white paper does not go as far as to suggest removing a key get-out clause that local authorities and builders are using to avoid their responsibilities. The get-out clause states:  “Ancient Woodland enjoys a presumption in favour of retention, save in circumstances that… the need for, and benefits of, the development in that location clearly outweighs the loss.”

A number of organisations, including the Woodland Trust, are campaigning to get this clause removed. However time is running out as the white paper’s consultation period ends at 11.45pm NEXT TUESDAY, 2 MAY 2017.

The simplest and quickest way to support the change is by adding your name to the Woodland Trust’s petition on this matter. To do so, please CLICK HERE. A letter to your local MP would, of course, also help the cause.

A small change in the wording within the white paper may seem a minor matter, but it could add strength to our campaign to protect options B and C from the council’s devastating proposals.



ADD ‘bluebell walk and run’, this Saturday, 29 April, 3pm – please join us!

ADD UPDATE, 26 April 2017: Following our successful ADD run on 2 April, we will be holding a ‘bluebell walk and run’ through the beautiful Stoke Park countryside this Saturday, 29 April, to raise awareness for our campaign and to remind ourselves of what will be lost if Eastleigh Borough Council goes ahead with its plans for 6,000+ new houses and a new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak (namely options B and C of its emerging Local Plan).

We will meet at the Fox and Hounds, Winchester Road, Fair Oak, SO50 7HB at 3pm. Fun runners will be able to enjoy a sociable 5.7km scenic route whilst walkers can enjoy a stroll through the countryside before entering one of the ancient woodlands to enjoy a stunning display of bluebells and other wildflowers – all of which are severely threatened by the council’s shocking plans.

Both the run and the walk will start and finish at the pub, so we hope you might also enjoy a drink or something to eat afterwards. Please do join us with your families! It promises to be a wonderful, if sobering, afternoon.

There will be no charge for entering although donations to our campaign funds – which are critical to fighting these heinous proposals – are always welcome!




Chris Packham video opposing options B and C goes viral with over 17,000 views

ADD UPDATE, 25 April 2017: Naturalist and TV presenter Chris Packham’s video filmed by BBC Radio Solent about why he opposes Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s plans for 6,000+ houses and a new road in Fair Oak and Bishopstoke (namely options B and C of its Local Plan) is going viral on social media, with over 17,000 views and counting. He has previously described EBC’s plans as “eco-vandalism”. He says: “The Itchen floodplain is of national and international importance as a chalk stream. Both the waterway and all of its tributaries and the surrounding meadows – and surrounding ancient woodland – are of national importance. This means when it comes to local importance they are unparalleled. This is something we should be looking after, not just now but long into the future.”

To view Chris’s excellent video, click here. Please continue to share and forward it!


Council decision halts developments across South East

Show House, 21 April 2017: Developers, planners and local planning authorities in East and West Sussex and West Kent have been left scratching their heads after a decision by one council has called into question all new development in the area. Wealden District Council has confirmed that as a result of their continued assessment of nitrogen deposits in the Ashdown Forest Special Area of Conservation (SAC), there will be no development permitted unless it can be shown that the proposed scheme won’t generate any additional vehicle movements. The announcement comes after a High Court decision last month that traffic movements in the Ashdown Forest SAC have already cumulatively breached Natural England’s threshold for acceptable levels of traffic.
