
BBC Radio Solent talks to Chris Packham about why he opposes options B and C

BBC Radio Solent, 21 April 2017: Naturalist and TV presenter Chris Packham speaks to BBC Radio Solent about why he opposes Eastleigh Borough Council’s plans for 6,000 homes and a new road in Fair Oak and Bishopstoke (namely options B and C of its Local Plan). He has previously described the plans as “eco-vandalism”. He says: “The Itchen floodplain is of national and international importance as a chalk stream. Both the waterway and all of its tributaries and the surrounding meadows – and surrounding ancient woodland – are of national importance. This means when it comes to local importance they are unparalleled. This is something we should be looking after, not just now but long into the future.”


HCC elections: Dave Hubble, Green candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 21 April 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 21 April, Dave Hubble, Green candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, sent us the following email:

“I oppose development Options B & C for several reasons. Firstly, direct damage and destruction of local habitats, with remaining areas being isolated, over-used and degraded. Secondly, worsening air quality with increased traffic congestion. Thirdly, even more strain on already over-stretched infrastructure and services. I have asked for details of surveys and mitigation, but have received nothing but stock replies. It has clearly been led by the wishes of developers and their contacts in Eastleigh Borough Council, not by the needs of local people and a sustainable future. I fully support the ADD campaign and encourage others to get involved.”

Dave Hubble, Green candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak


HCC elections: John Edwards, UKIP candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 17 April 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 17 April, John Edwards, UKIP candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, sent us the following email:

“You can rely on me to fight for a public enquiry to:

  • Call to account councillors and officers responsible for planning decisions that are harming the borough.
  • I also call for a moratorium on current and prospective planning / building of housing developments until a proper plan is in place.
  • Hampshire County Council to explain the failure to provide for the predicted increase in traffic.
  • Southern Water to explain the failing infrastructure amidst a growing population.
  • Environmental groups must be heard. They have voiced concerns about the impact of developments on the local environment.

“In the event of a public enquiry being denied, I shall campaign for a local referendum that I would expect to attract cross party support and that of independently minded people.”

John Edwards, UKIP candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak


HCC elections: Lou Parker-Jones, Independent candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 15 April 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 14 April, Louise Anne Parker-Jones, Independent candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, sent us the following email:

“I’ve supported ADD since its inception. You’ve probably seen me delivering leaflets or speaking against the proposals at public meetings. Stoke Park and the Itchen make Bishopstoke and Fair Oak special and should be protected for future generations. I believe options B and C will:

  • devastate ancient woodland and wildlife
  • increase road misery
  • overburden school, health and other local services

“Motivated by the lack of regard for local people’s views, I stood successfully as an Independent councillor for Bishopstoke Parish Council last year. Please make a difference: give people a local voice by voting Independent.”

Lou Parker-Jones, Independent candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak


HCC elections: Steven Broomfield, Conservative candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 13 April 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 12 April, Steven Broomfield, Conservative candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, sent us the following email:

“We have a real spectre – thousands of houses on green fields with no thought to infrastructure. There’s no connection with our neighbours – Winchester City Council are as worried as we are. Last year, Winchester Lib Dems put out leaflets decrying Eastleigh’s plans.

“The roadworks in Sandy Lane – sewage, drainage and water supply not sufficient for the Crowdhill development… you couldn’t make it up.

“Eastleigh council must stop approving piecemeal developments and come up with a decent, workable, sustainable plan.”

Steven Broomfield
Conservative candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak


HCC elections: Ray Bellinger, Labour candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 10 April 2017: Ahead of the Hampshire County Council (HCC) elections on 4 May, ADD has invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to submit an article of no more than 100 words that describes their position with regards to this proposed major development area.

On 9 April, Ray Bellinger, Labour candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, sent us the following email:

“The Labour Party remains opposed to the proposed major development of 6000 houses around Bishopstoke and Fair Oak (Options B and C) for the following reasons.

  • Environmental and infrastructure impact.
  • Traffic congestion, pollution and parking. (New planned road will make little difference).
  • Impact on countryside environments.
  • Burden on local health and education services, including negative impact on our health from extra pollution.
  • Extra strain and costs put on road maintenance.
  • Over burdening of household waste centres.

“Labour believes that any housing plan should be based on a sensible and sustainable long term impact plan.”

Ray Bellinger
Labour candidate for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak


Hampshire County Council elections, 4 May – ADD’s position

ADD UPDATE, 7 April 2017: In four weeks’ time, on 4 May, there are local elections for every ward in Hampshire County Council. Although Eastleigh’s emerging Local Plan is the work of Eastleigh Borough Council, we are certain that many local residents would like to learn more about the views of the County Council candidates.

The Action Against Destructive Development (ADD) campaign is not endorsing any candidate and we plan to provide a method by which residents can read and compare statements – a kind of virtual hustings.

We have invited each candidate for each ward that will be impacted if options B and C go ahead, to submit a short article, no more than 100 words, that describes their position with regards to the proposed major development area north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak. (The aerial picture above shows the countryside in part of option B.)

We will be publishing each one, unedited, as a separate article on our website, Facebook page and Twitter feed – and we will email links to the articles. We are happy to include a photograph that the candidate supplies in the article and contact details.

The ADD campaign has received support from local politicians who represent many political parties as well as from independent representatives. By providing this virtual hustings, we aim to enable the electorate to decide which candidate will best represent their views on this critical local issue.

If candidates would like to accept this invitation, please email ADD at [email protected].


Eastleigh Council slated over ‘eco-vandalism’ plan near Winchester

Hampshire Chronicle, 5 April 2017: A BBC wildlife expert has branded plans for housing near Winchester as a “piece of eco-vandalism”. Naturalist and TV presenter Chris Packham has criticised Eastleigh Council’s plans for 6,000 homes and a new road in Fair Oak and Bishopstoke (namely options B and C of its Local Plan) as “eco-vandalism”. He has also given his backing to ADD, the pressure group set up to fight these proposals. In 2003 Packham wrote the foreword to a document entitled ‘Wild about Eastleigh’, which promoted the council’s biodiversity plans. Some of the sites featured in that document are now included in option B of the Local Plan. “It is desperately important that people get behind the campaign to prevent this piece of eco-vandalism,” Packham said.


I agree with Chris Packham – the Eastleigh Local Plan is ill conceived

Letter from David Betts to the Daily Echo, 29 March 2017: IT WAS good to see Chris Packham’s views on option B/C of the Eastleigh Local Plan in your paper. I totally agree that to drive a road through the north Bishopstoke area will be nothing short of ecological vandalism in respect of the damage that will ensue to the areas of precious ancient woodland. There has been much comment from Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC) regarding the fact that the new road will not actually pass though the woodland, but this is disingenuous to say the least! Click ‘more’ to read David Betts’s other reasons why EBC would be wrong to choose options B and C for its forthcoming Local Plan.
