
Eastleigh’s Local Plan and the new road to nowhere – DIY traffic modelling

ADD UPDATE, 4 July 2017: As Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC) considers its plans for a monster housing sprawl and a major new road north of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak (options B and C of its emerging Local Plan – see map above), one of the key pieces of research it has yet to complete is the plans’ effect on traffic flows. At the moment, EBC cannot make statements that the proposed new road will ease congestion or alleviate future increased traffic based on anything other than conjecture. It is likely to be Hampshire County Council that does this work, but EBC will commission it. As we all know, public transport would be limited to say the least: double-decker buses would not be able to get under the railway bridge at Allbrook and there is no railway line in options B or C.

In the meantime, ADD campaigners have been doing their own modelling – in fact anyone with access to online mapping can do so! The new road is expected to cross Winchester Road at the Fox and Hounds, join Highbridge Road, then run behind Allbrook to J12 of the M3.

For people thinking of moving into a new home on the Pembers Hill Farm site (recently signed off by a Local Area Committee in advance of the Local Plan and the first part of option C to reach the planners), here are the routes to places they might want to travel (assuming options B and C go ahead) and an assessment of whether they are likely to use the proposed new road.

Railway station

  • Hedge End is the nearest: 2.9 miles, along Botley Road unlikely to use new road.
  • Southampton Airport Parkway: 4.9 miles, through Eastleigh town centre, along Bishopstoke Road unlikely to use new road.

Conclusion: the new road would not be used so pressure on the existing roads would increase.

Work: based on some of the area’s biggest employers

  • Chickenhall Lane (Prysmian): 3.2 miles, along Bishopstoke Lane unlikely to use new road.
  • Airport area (Specsavers, Amey, BAA): 5.3 miles through Eastleigh town centre, along Bishopstoke Road unlikely to use new road.
  • Portsmouth (IBM), Fareham (NATS): joining M27 at Hedge End, reached along Botley Road unlikely to use new road.
  • Winchester, Basingstoke and further north (HCC, Arqiva, Sony, AA): more likely to drive up to J11 at Winchester via Twyford or Owslebury unlikely to use new road.
  • Southampton (Old Mutual Wealth, Carnival, Associated Ports): 8.6 miles via Allington Lane unlikely to use new road.
  • Chandlers Ford: 5.9 miles now (using M3), but new road might be quicker – Asda area (B&Q, Aviva, Ageas, Cisco) yes, may use new road.
  • Hursley (IBM) yes, may use new road.
  • West Southampton, Nursling area (Ordnance Survey, Lidl distribution centre, Tesco distribution centre, Newsquest) yes, may use new road.

Conclusion: to avoid adding to congestion on current roads, all residents would have to work in Chandlers Ford, Hursley, Nursling area – or Bournemouth.


  • Sainsbury’s, Lidl in Eastleigh 2.85 miles, using Bishopstoke Lane unlikely to use new road.
  • Sainsbury’s in Hedge End 3.37 miles, via Botley Road unlikely to use new road.

Conclusion: the new road would not be used so pressure on the existing roads would increase.


  • Royal Hampshire, Winchester: 9.2 miles via Twyford, 10.2 miles via Owslebury unlikely to use new road.
  • Southampton General: 11.5 miles via M3 yes, may use new road.

Conclusion: the new road would only help with trips to Southampton General.

College or university

  • Eastleigh College, Barton Peverill College: 4.5 miles, using Bishopstoke Road unlikely to use new road.
  • Southampton University: 6.6 miles, via Allington Lane unlikely to use new road.
  • Solent University: 8.0 miles, via Allington Lane unlikely to use new road.

Conclusion: the new road would not be used so pressure on the existing roads would increase.

ADD’s conclusion is that the new road would substantially fail to deal with the increase in traffic resulting from the new housing.  Yes, it would be used for some journeys but it is unlikely to be the route for most trips – so congestion would continue to increase at current pinch points, and air quality would continue to be a problem. 

Pressure would increase on Allington Lane, Botley Road and Bishopstoke Road with congestion likely to grow in Eastleigh, Hedge End, Fair Oak, Bishopstoke, Colden Common and Twyford.  Rat-running through country lanes would be likely to increase.

Talking to residents in Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, it seems that the road would be of even less utility to the current community.  The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has a fascinating report on how road schemes often fail to deliver intended reductions in congestion.

We find it hard to make the case that EBC’s planned new road will alleviate Eastleigh’s current or future congestion.


Parish Council by-election for Bishopstoke (East) – tomorrow, 29 June – Final count: Independents for us; Lib Dem ignores us

ADD UPDATE, 28 June 2017: Ahead of the by-election TOMORROW, Thursday 29 June, for a Parish Councillor in Bishopstoke (East), ADD invited each of the candidates to supply us with no more than 350 words on how they feel about options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s emerging Local Plan, namely its plans for a Monster sprawl of 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak, and any relevant action they intend to take. By way of reminder the candidates are:

EDWARDS, John Peter – Independent
HARRIS, Geoff – Liberal Democrat
MCCORMICK, Tabatha – Independent

ADD would like to thank John Edwards and Tabatha McCormick for taking the time to send us a brief statement, thereby participating in our virtual hustings. Please click on their names above to view their statements.

Sadly Geoff Harris, the Liberal Democrat candidate, chose not to participate.  

For the sake of our community, today and in the future, please READ the statements above and VOTE (if eligible) tomorrow, THURSDAY 29 JUNE, to make your voice heard!


Parish Council by-election for Bishopstoke (East), 29 June – John Edwards, Independent, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 26 June 2017: Ahead of the by-election on 29 June for a Parish Councillor in Bishopstoke (East), ADD has invited each of the candidates to supply us with no more than 350 words on how they feel about options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan (namely its plans for a Monster sprawl of 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) and any relevant action they intend to take, if elected.

On 26 June, John Edwards, Independent candidate, sent us the following email:

“I’m standing as a concerned Independent candidate / resident because I believe that most of the parish councillors have betrayed your trust. The worst examples are the Lib Dem councillors who refuse to oppose the Lib Dem borough council and their shocking planning policies that are set to change the essence of Bishopstoke forever.

“I am against further mass development in Bishopstoke and district. I am the only candidate to voice this opinion.

“Options B and C, along with others, should be put on hold until problems with infrastructure and a borough plan have been agreed and put in place. Eastleigh council have divided residents into choosing their preferred options. ADD, to their credit, have done some work on this but it’s not going to be enough.

“We’ve had enough hot air. It’s time for tough political action. I’m prepared to do this for you, if you elect me.

“I want your council to demand a moratorium (halt) on housing development now. A full survey and census of traffic movements need to be called for and solutions sought now. Bishopstoke cannot take any more traffic, or thousands of new houses, whether they are in the North or South of Bishopstoke.

“I am also concerned at the poor upkeep of Bishopstoke, particularly at our local shopping centres both in Whalesmead and Sandy Lane. Don’t we, the residents, deserve better?

“Some of our roads and footpaths are seriously neglected. Cheap road dressings that don’t last, vegetation in the gutters left for long periods of time, poorly maintained footpaths. Grass cuttings are left strewn across footpaths and drives. All this at a time when our parish is being impacted by the Lib Dems’ planning policies and their broken pledges and promises to stand up for Bishopstoke.

“I want your parish council to brighten up our neighbourhoods where they have been neglected and forgotten. Isn’t it time for a change?

“As your Independent councillor, I will be forthright and will fight on your behalf.”

John Edwards, Independent


REMINDER – SAVE THE DATE: 20 July 2017 – STOP monster housing sprawl between Eastleigh and Winchester!

ADD REMINDER: 25 June 2017: Eastleigh Borough Council has said that it will make a critical decision on which its Local Plan options it will pursue at its next full council meeting on 20 JULY (at 7pm – location to be decided).

Join us to make local opinion heard at this crucial meeting when we believe the council, led by Keith House (Lib Dem), will push forward with its preferred GIANT housing development (enough to cover its housing need for the next 20 years) in the very north of the borough (Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak), right on the border with Winchester’s southern villages (Upham, Owslebury, Twyford, Colden Common, Bishops Waltham, Otterbourne). THIS IS A MASSIVE DEVELOPMENT ON SOME OF HAMPSHIRE’S FINEST COUNTRYSIDE!

As TV naturalist Chris Packham says: “It is desperately important that people get behind the campaign to prevent this piece of eco-vandalism.” MORE THAN 6,000 HOUSES (equivalent to a town more than three times the size of Colden Common), several thousand new vehicles daily on our existing roads plus a major new road driven through ancient woodland and unspoilt countryside. Once gone, it will be lost forever – but we CAN do something about it.

Come to this meeting and join us in protesting against this wanton destruction of our beautiful countryside. Whilst we may not persuade the council to choose the more sensible options in Allington Lane this time, a big turnout WILL make a significant difference when we demonstrate the strength of local opposition to the independent planning inspector.




Stop the spin – Bishopstoke deserves better!

ADD UPDATE, 18 June 2017: As our group fights to save Bishopstoke from the eco-vandalism of Eastleigh Borough Council’s (EBC) emerging Local Plan, we try resolutely to stay out of party politics. Nonetheless, we have little choice but to correct allegations made in this Liberal Democrat leaflet of Geoff Harris, entitled ‘Bishopstoke Parish Council Election Special – 29 June 2017’.

Our aim is to fight proposals put forward by developers to build over 6,000 homes just outside Bishopstoke and Fair Oak (often called options B and C), which are apparently supported by the Lib Dem leadership of EBC. We believe that these options would have catastrophic environmental consequences for the borough, for local ancient woodlands, for the River Itchen, for the South Downs National Park and for the character of Bishopstoke.

We have widespread support from, among others, conservation and wildlife organisations, the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), parish councils, angling clubs, the Woodland Trust and from the TV naturalist Chris Packham, who has accused EBC of “shabby politics”.

We are also supported across the political divide by Conservatives, Labour, UKIP, Green Party, Winchester Lib Dem Councillors and all three local MPs. In other words, the Eastleigh Lib Dems are totally isolated on this issue. For the record, and in response to the Lib Dem leaflet:

  • ADD is not standing in this parish council by-election. We are pleased to have the open support of Independent candidate Tabatha McCormick, but she is not part of the ADD committee nor financed by us.
  • It is for EBC, not ADD, to decide where to build houses; we are simply commenting upon options they have proposed. To contribute positively to the debate we have commented on which sites, in our view, would be less environmentally damaging. These are, however, EBC’s options not ours. In our view, EBC should do more to assess and promote other potential sites and not be led by developers.
  • The only significant infrastructure ‘improvement’ identified by Mr Harris is a road link to the M3. There is no evidence that this road will alleviate traffic congestion and ADD has severe concerns over the cost, routing and ecological implications of such a road. Despite promises, EBC has still not released the further traffic/ecological studies that they themselves have identified as necessary.

We call upon EBC to show us the evidence that demonstrates that the proposed road will solve traffic congestion and will not result in massive ecological damage. We hope that this post corrects the inaccurate impressions created by Mr Harris’s leaflet so that the people of Bishopstoke are better informed when they choose how to vote in the Bishopstoke (East) by-election on 29 June.


Parish Council by-election for Bishopstoke (East), 29 June – Tabatha McCormick, Independent, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 15 June 2017: Ahead of the by-election on 29 June for a Parish Councillor in Bishopstoke (East), ADD has invited each of the candidates to supply us with no more than 350 words on how they feel about options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan (namely its plans for a Monster sprawl of 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) and any relevant action they intend to take, if elected.

On 15 June, Tabatha McCormick, Independent candidate, sent us the following email:

“It can often be said that you often don’t fully appreciate something until you have lost it. And the potential loss of huge swathes of our green space has certainly made me re-appreciate our local countryside. I moved to Eastleigh for work after finishing university and decided to make Bishopstoke my home for many reasons. One of the most important was the close proximity of the Itchen Navigation, Stoke Park Woods and Upper Barn Copse and the countryside that knit these areas together. Within a short walk from Bishopstoke I can feel that I am away from everywhere. My family and I have spent many happy times walking around this countryside, appreciating the changing seasons and wildlife that the local area has to offer.

“The plans for options B & C do not only affect us, they affect wildlife. Whilst we can say ‘it is OK we are not building on the woods themselves’ it does matter. These green corridors are the highways for animals to get from one area to another, they are also part of the heritage that we can hand on to future generations.

“As a parent I understand the need for housing for future generations. I worry about where my children will live and how they will be able to afford to buy a house in the local area (should they wish in the future). As a user of the local roads, as a motorist, cyclist and pedestrian I understand the frustration that we all feel when we try to travel by road to Eastleigh. I am aware that something needs to be done, that there is a need for better transport links and cycle paths. I don’t believe that options B & C provide an adequate solution to the need for new housing or new roads.

“Should I be elected to Bishopstoke Parish Council I would support the ADD campaign, to attempt to have a stronger voice for Bishopstoke to help to campaign to protect our area’s green spaces.”

Tabatha McCormick, Independent


Key Parish Council by-election for Bishopstoke (East), 29 June – how do candidates view options B and C?

ADD UPDATE, 13 June 2017: Ahead of the by-election on 29 June for a Parish Councillor in Bishopstoke (East), Action Against Destructive Development (ADD) is keen to help voters in this ward gain a better understanding of how their candidates feel about options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan (namely its plans for a Monster sprawl of 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) and any relevant action these candidates intend to take, if elected.

The three candidates are:

EDWARDS, John Peter – Independent
HARRIS, Geoff – Liberal Democrat
MCCORMICK, Tabatha – Independent

We have asked each of the candidates to supply us with up to 350 words on their views on options B and C, and on their intended actions relating to these options.  We are happy to include appropriate images and links. We will publish their statements on our website as supplied, agreeing any edits with the candidate. All statements will also appear on the ADD timeline on Facebook and on Twitter – and we will email links to each of the statements to our supporters by 28 June at the latest. 

Our email address is [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from each of the candidates on this critical issue for the people of Bishopstoke (East), and way beyond.


ADD UPDATE, 11 June 2017: Top councillor says need to protect woodland could scotch Eastleigh plans for monster housing sprawl (listen to minutes 1.17 to 2.05)

ADD UPDATE, 11 June 2017: Is Liberal Democrat-controlled Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC) rethinking its plans for a monster and hugely destructive housing sprawl on the outskirts of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak in response to comments received during its consultation process?

Mike Thornton, the Lib Dem Hampshire County Councillor for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak and close ally of the EBC leadership, hinted as much during the general election campaign when he stood unsuccessfully to be re-elected to parliament. 


Top councillor says need to protect woodland could scotch Eastleigh plans for monster housing sprawl

ADD UPDATE, 11 June 2017: Is Liberal Democrat-controlled Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC) rethinking its plans for a monster and hugely destructive housing sprawl on the outskirts of Bishopstoke and Fair Oak in response to comments received during its consultation process?

Mike Thornton, the Lib Dem Hampshire County Councillor for Bishopstoke and Fair Oak and close ally of the EBC leadership, hinted as much during the general election campaign when he stood unsuccessfully to be re-elected to parliament. 

He was asked on camera by Eastleigh News whether the plan to cover the borough’s finest countryside with 6,000+ new houses and a major new road, namely options B and C of EBC’s emerging Local Plan, would impact ancient woodland at Stoke Park Woods (including Crowd Hill Copse and Upper Barn Copse). 

He replied (view minutes 1.17 – 2.05 in this video): “I would chain myself to the railings before I allowed a bulldozer to go anywhere near Stoke Park Woods… There is a point that development and a road near the woods could cause damage, and that’s why it is absolutely vital that, if that proposal is to be accepted, we have to have a guarantee on how the road goes and how the development goes to prevent any damage to the local woods. And that’s absolutely vital. And we all agree on that and no one denies that. If it’s not possible to do it, then the development can’t go ahead.”

Do Cllr Thornton’s comments mean that he and his allies on EBC are finally listening to the views expressed by the Woodland Trust and by the TV naturalist Chis Packham, who described the plans as “eco-vandalism”?

Oliver Newham, the Trust’s senior campaigner for ancient woodland, has said options B and C would be a “hugely damaging”: 

“Ancient woods are hundreds of years old and act as havens for wildlife. They are very sensitive to change, each one unique and irreplaceable. Ancient woods need properly protecting from the impacts of development. Any road between these woods would sever important wildlife corridors and further isolate the woodlands from each other. The woods would also be exposed to increased noise, light and other damaging impacts. We would urge those that love woodlands, particularly those with local experience of these woodlands, to do (and carry on doing) everything they can to convince decision-makers that these woods need protecting, not polluting.”

Pushed further on EBC’s hope that appropriate ‘buffers’ can be built into the plan, Mr Newham said: “What is being missed is things like the effect that shining car lights into the woods will have on nocturnal animals, the impact that increased noise and air pollution will have on people wanting to go for a tranquil walk, the effect on animals that need to cross between the woods – currently they go across green fields; if the plan goes ahead they’ll be blocked by a road and housing.”

As noted in our update of 10 March, the Woodland Trust says that in order to avoid significant adverse impact on ancient woodland, not least from vehicle emissions, no road should be built closer than 100-200 metres to such woodland. However, at the narrowest point Crowd Hill Copse and Upper Barn Copse are just 175 metres apart so it is IMPOSSIBLE to build the new road through this gap without having a damaging impact on the ancient woodland on either side. Perhaps Cllr Thornton, who declined to participate in our virtual hustings for the recent Hampshire County Council elections and the General Election, was simply trying to win votes, knowing how much hostility there is towards these plans. Or perhaps we are seeing a genuine change of heart amongst the Lib Dem leadership in Eastleigh. Significantly, Jackie Porter, the Lib Dem Hampshire County Councillor and candidate for Winchester, has come out firmly against the plan.

EBC is expected to decide on its Local Plan at its next full council meeting at 7pm on Thursday 20 July (venue to be decided). We are urging ALL our supporters to put this date into their diaries so that we can demonstrate the strength of our opposition. 

As ADD has said all along, options B and C are undeliverable and unaffordable and would have terrible environmental consequences. Our fight is far from over but Cllr Thornton’s admission that, if it is not possible to prevent any damage to Stoke Park Woods, “then the development can’t go ahead” may just signal the beginning of the end.


General Election, 8 June – ADD count: where the candidates stand on options B and C

ADD UPDATE, 7 June 2017: Ahead of tomorrow’s General Election, ADD invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its planned MONSTER sprawl of 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 100 words on their views on options B and C and 100 words on their intended actions relating to options B and C. (NB: we increased this to a total of 350 words on 19 May).

ADD would like to thank all of the candidates who took the time to send us a brief statement, thereby participating in our virtual hustings. The final count (in alphabetical order, by division) is below. Those in green responded – click on their links to read their respective submissions.

In summary, of the 5 candidates for Eastleigh, 4 said they oppose options B and C. Mike Thornton, the Liberal Democrat candidate, did not reply. Of the 6 candidates for Winchester, Steve Brine, Conservative, and Jackie Porter, Liberal Democrat, said they oppose options B and C, whilst Martin Lyon, UKIP, focused his statement on housing numbers. Of the 5 candidates in Meon Valley, George Hollingbery, Conservative, said he opposes options B and C whilst Paul Bailey, UKIP, had a broader anti-development message and Andrew Hayward, Green, had a broader pro-environment message. All the remaining candidates chose to ignore us. As with the recent Hampshire County Council elections, NO ONE wrote to us in support of options B and C! 

Please SHARE this message and don’t forget to VOTE tomorrow, Thursday 8 June!


DAVIES Mims, The Conservative Party
JONES Malcolm, UK Independence Party
MELDRUM Ron, The Green Party
PAYNE Jill, Labour Party
THORNTON Mike, Liberal Democrats – NO REPY


BRINE Steve, The Conservative Party
CHALONER Mark, Labour Party – NO REPLY
LYON Martin Edward, UK Independence Party 
PORTER Jackie, Liberal Democrats
SKELTON Teresa Mary, The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party – NO REPLY
WAINWRIGHT Andrew Karl, Green Party – NO REPLY


BAILEY Paul, UK Independence Party
HAYWARD Andrew Paul, Green Party
HOLLINGBERY George Michael Edward, The Conservative Party
KING Sheena, Labour Party – NO REPLY
TOD Martin Paul, Liberal Democrats – NO REPLY
