
General Election, Jackie Porter, Liberal Democrat candidate for Winchester, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 30 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, ADD has invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 350 words on their views on options B and C and their intended actions relating to them.

On 30 May, Jackie Porter, Liberal Democrat candidate for Winchester, sent us the following email:

“I have spoken with residents in Church Lane (Colden Common), and elsewhere in my constituency, in support of ADD’s plea to prevent the degradation of the Ancient Woodland (in options B and C), and I know that residents on both sides of the constituency boundary have joined the Woodland Trust to show their support for this cause.

“Residents are not only concerned about the woodlands. They fear traffic chaos, and their own homes being swallowed up by the new conurbation.

“Building new homes is never easy and I realise that we need new homes in the South, and that Eastleigh is one of the most proactive boroughs in achieving this. Many people move away from Winchester to the Eastleigh area because there are affordable homes available. 

“That said, because options B and C have been rejected by so many, including by the residents, the Woodland Trust, famous naturalist Chris Packham, and politicians across the parties I feel it is time for Eastleigh to think again.”

Jackie Porter, Liberal Democrat candidate for Winchester


General Election, Paul Bailey, UKIP candidate for Meon Valley, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 29 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, ADD has invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 350 words on their views on options B and C and their intended actions relating to them.

On 29 May, Paul Bailey, UKIP candidate for Meon Valley, sent us the following email:

“It seems that many of the newly proposed housing developments across all counties are an edict from government and there is nothing that ordinary people can do about it other than try to limit the damage.  Of course the word “development” is just a euphemism for ravagement and exploitation, and the so-called developers are often not building housing estates for the fun of it but rather to capitalise on as much profit as they can regardless of the consequences. 

“I must emphasize that I am not against people having the right to a decent home, but I do think estates should fit in with the existing environment and infrastructure . At UKIP we cannot understand why developers do not move onto more brownfield sites, often corroded and empty: why not redevelop what is already there?

“So what can we ordinary people do to save our Towns, Villages and Countryside for future generations?  Well, when developers were planning to chop down twelve ancient trees to make way for a new Tesco supermarket in the writer Laurie Lee’s neck of the woods, a lot of people protested by climbing up into those trees, and he wrote a little joke verse that went:

I think that I shall never see
A Tesco lovely as a tree
And if we are forced to cut ours down
‘Twill shame the gateway to our town

“It was not, by his own admission, one of his best but the trees were saved, and I like to think that passionate public opinion can influence the most stony-hearted politicians.”

Paul Bailey, UKIP candidate for Meon Valley


General Election, Ron Meldrum, Green candidate for Eastleigh, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 24 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, ADD has invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 350 words on their views on options B and C and their intended actions relating to them.

On 24 May, Ron Meldrum, Green candidate for Eastleigh, sent us the following email:

“The Green Party is the only party that has environmental and financial sustainability as its core axiom.

“The destruction of our green fields for housing is a result of the economic growth model particularly pursued by the Conservatives. They have allowed people to buy homes for investment and leave them empty, created many jobs attracting people from abroad to come and live in this country and increase demand for housing increasing the demand for housing and eased the laws on planning permission making it easier for development to take place.

“All this has resulted in the excessive building you are seeing across the South.

“When I lived in Bishopstoke, I initiated a campaign to stop houses being built on a piece of land next to cemetery, which was successfully turned down.

“Green Party recognises the need for further housing, but believe preference should given to those building carbon neutral homes and on brown field sites.

“We should of course oppose plan B and C as it will destroy open countryside for wildlife and future generations. I fear that the growth model of economics that most people seem to want vote for will simply put more and more demand on housing in this area. We will see more houses built, more roads built, more air pollution. If we really want to stop the housing being built and roads being built in this arena, we as society will have to change the way we do things. You could try voting for sustainability instead.”

Ron Meldrum, Green candidate for Eastleigh


General election, Jill Payne, Labour candidate for Eastleigh, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 23 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, ADD has invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 350 words on their views on options B and C and their intended actions relating to them.

On 22 May, Jill Payne, Labour candidate for Eastleigh, sent us the following email:

“Whilst acknowledging the considerable demand for housing locally I would oppose options B and C as I have huge reservations they would: provide the right sort of housing needed; be sustainable under current supporting infra-structure; adequately protect the identity of neighbouring communities; protect habitats, species and historic landscapes.  These options are developer led and will not relieve the greatest need for housing locally for “affordable” homes defined as a proportion of income rather than market value.  With the proposed North Bishopstoke Bypass and the inclusion of 29,000 square metres of office space further developments are likely, destroying existing local communities and precious remaining areas of natural woodland and open countryside.

“Housebuilding must be a priority for all our communities but under Labour, local need and environmental factors must be considered ahead of private profit for large developers.  We need greater consultation and a plan that takes proper account of local infrastructure and sustainability.  I would promote the development of brownfield sites for housing wherever possible and around existing community identities – the extension to settlements option.  As a matter of urgency I would support more numerous but smaller council led developments using local builders where possible and for quality social and more innovative co-operatively owned housing in and around our borough.”

Jill Payne, Labour candidate for Eastleigh


General Election, Malcolm Jones, UKIP candidate for Eastleigh, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 21 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, ADD has invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 350 words on their views on options B and C and their intended actions relating to them.

On 20 May, Malcolm Jones, UKIP candidate for Eastleigh, sent us the following email:

“The so called public ‘consultation’ was flawed – as an option not to build was never offered.

‘The ‘relief roads’ have no covenant protecting their flanks from future development, so will just become ‘link roads’ to more building sites – destroying our area even further.

“The plans fail to meet our requirement for a sensible supply of suitable homes to meet the needs of local people, in addition to a sufficient quantity of mortgage paying jobs for existing residents (to replace those lost under previous administrations).

“Options B and C will destroy our green spaces, cause excessive traffic and pollution, have been forced through without ‘meaningful consultation’ and do not meet the needs of local people – I fully oppose them on this basis.

“To this end, when elected I will co-ordinate a campaign involving Government Ministers, Cross Party Representatives, Local Interest Groups, Businesses and Residents – so we can overthrow these damaging ‘options’ and instruct the council to produce a long-term plan that meets the needs of those who live here.

“A campaign only works with good communication, so to get the message across I will work with you to organise the following:

  • We will work together organising street stalls, public meetings and media coverage to get our message across to the whole electorate.
  • As your MP I will address school and college assemblies, educating students on how mass development will damage their future – so they can educate their family and friends.

“Through a well-coordinated campaign, we will be able to unite the whole community and apply the necessary amount of pressure on the council to ensure we protect our area from the developers and secure its long-term future.”

Malcolm Jones, UKIP candidate for Eastleigh


General Election, Mims Davies, Conservative candidate for Eastleigh, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 20 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, ADD has invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 350 words on their views on options B and C and their intended actions relating to them.

On 18 May, Mims Davies, Conservative candidate for Eastleigh, sent us the following email (plus links):

“I strongly oppose the whole process which has left confusion and upset across the Borough, lack of clarity regarding the housing number requirements and what appears to be clear predetermination with moving forward with options B and C. I have lobbied Eastleigh Borough Council on behalf of local people to throw out these proposals and stop bulldozers from irreparably damaging Stoke Park Woods. I have walked and visited the area with both the Woodland Trust and local residents (see above in option B) and understand this is a precious piece of countryside.

“When there are brownfield options that need looking at, there is no excuse for the local Lib Dems inviting in hostile developers to concrete over one of the few bits of countryside that we have left.

“I have already secured significant assurances from the Housing and Planning Minister that, if re-elected, the Government’s White Paper on housing will include greater protections for ancient woodland like Stoke Park Woods, and from the Communities and Local Government Secretary that it will be treated the same as green belt land. This promise to secure greater protections for ancient woodland has now been included in the Conservative Manifesto.

“If returned to Westminster, I will build on the work I started in the last Parliament.  I will continue to call for the Council to get their act together and form a proper, well-supported Local Plan that works for all residents not just developers and out of touch councillors. I will keep on lobbying stakeholders and Ministers to see the Chickenhall Link Road further progressed, and I will ensure that I continue to stand up for residents in the delayed and muddled Local Plan process.

“This Council can and must do better in representing and listening to local residents and balancing the housing requirements versus the best possible sites so that we have a Plan for the next 20 years which will be a success and provides the homes that people need, in the right places.”



General election, George Hollingbery, Conservative candidate for Meon Valley, writes..

ADD UPDATE, 18 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, ADD has invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 100 words on their views on options B and C and 100 words on their intended actions relating to options B and C. (NB: we increased this to a total of 350 words on 19 May).

Earlier today, George Hollingbery, Conservative candidate for Meon Valley, sent us the following email:

“My views on options B and C are well-known. Put simply, I think they represent a terrible outcome for the people of Eastleigh, Winchester and the Meon Valley.

“To effectively concrete over the last green space in the Bishopstoke area would be a bad idea on its own, but to do so without even considering the impact on local services and infrastructure is close to negligent by Eastleigh Borough Council.

“Over the last couple of years, I have worked closely with Action Against Destructive Development and my colleagues in neighbouring constituencies to highlight our concerns to Keith House [leader of Eastleigh Borough Council] and to urge him to think again. I will continue to do so if I am re-elected in June. This is about challenging the plan at every stage and ensuring the best deal for local people and this approach has widespread support.

“Of course, it’s really not too late. Cllr House and his fellow Liberal Democrats could change course and properly engage with residents and other stakeholders to come up with a local plan which works for all the residents of Eastleigh Borough and its neighbours. Instead he seems intent on pushing on regardless.”

George Hollingbery, Conservative candidate for Meon Valley


General election, Steve Brine, Conservative candidate for Winchester, writes…

ADD UPDATE, 17 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, ADD has invited each candidate for each constituency that will be impacted by options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC)’s Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak) to supply us with up to 100 words on their views on options B and C and 100 words on their intended actions relating to options B and C.(NB: we increased this to a total of 350 words on 19 May).

On 16 May, Steve Brine, Conservative candidate for Winchester, sent us the following email:

“I would ask constituents to simply look at my record working for many years as one of the local MPs in support of ADD. From the start, I have expressed concerns Eastleigh Borough Council wants options B and C as its preferred way forward for mass development in the borough. This Local Plan option will also include 29,000 square metres of offices and effectively concrete over the last green space in the Bishopstoke area.

“I want to see the council look towards solving traffic and infrastructure issues before committing to ANY solution and to finally conduct proper consultation with my constituents.

“I am also very concerned the new housing would be built right up to the border of the South Downs National Park and feel we urgently need to halt what is increasingly looking like an unstoppable march towards ruining the character of our communities.

“I feel strongly it would be a huge mistake and simply cannot understand why those in charge at the council seem so intent on burying one of the few truly open tracts of countryside left in the area under concrete when other options are available.

“From the start I have responded to widespread concerns from local people who are understandably extremely worried this is the plan the borough council wants and it is my duty to make sure I speak for them.

“Eastleigh Borough Council is formulating its plans in isolation and not working with or taking into consideration the impact of development in the borough will have on the parts of Winchester bordering Eastleigh such as Colden Common and Chandler’s Ford.

“Eastleigh Borough Council need to get a grip and formulate a Local Plan, like Conservative run Winchester, that takes people with it and protects our countryside from unplanned development by predatory developers.”

Steve Brine, Conservative candidate for Winchester


General election, 8 June – how do relevant candidates view options B and C?

ADD UPDATE, 15 May 2017: Ahead of the general election on 8 June, Action Against Destructive Development (ADD) is keen to help voters in Eastleigh, Winchester and the Meon Valley gain a better understanding of how their prospective parliamentary candidates feel about options B and C of Eastleigh Borough Council’s emerging Local Plan (namely its plans for 6,000+ houses and a major new road north of Allbrook, Bishopstoke and Fair Oak), and any relevant action these candidates intend to take, if elected.

We are therefore giving every candidate in these constituencies the opportunity to supply ADD with up to 100 words on their views on options B and C and 100 words on their intended actions relating to options B and C (NB: we increased this to a total of 350 words on 19 May).  We are happy to include appropriate images and links. 

We will publish their statements on our website as supplied, agreeing any edits with the candidate. All statements will appear on the ADD timeline on Facebook and on Twitter – and we will email all our supporters on Tuesday 30 May with links to each of the statements.

We will be emailing this invitation to all candidates shortly but invite any of them to get in touch with us beforehand, if they would like to do so. 

Our email address is [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from each of the candidates on this critical issue for thousands of people not only in Eastleigh but also in neighbouring communities.


DAVIES Mims, The Conservative Party
JONES Malcolm, UK Independence Party
MELDRUM Ron, The Green Party
PAYNE Jill, Labour Party
THORNTON Mike, Liberal Democrats 


BRINE Steve, The Conservative Party
CHALONER Mark, Labour Party
LYON Martin Edward, UK Independence Party
PORTER Jackie, Liberal Democrats
SKELTON Teresa Mary, The Justice & Anti-Corruption Party
WAINWRIGHT Andrew Karl, Green Party 


BAILEY Paul, UK Independence Party
HAYWARD Andrew Paul, Green Party
HOLLINGBERY George Michael Edward, The Conservative Party
KING Sheena, Labour Party
TOD Martin Paul, Liberal Democrats 


HCC elections: Result shows strength of opposition to EBC’s local plan

ADD UPDATE, 5 May 2017: Lou Parker-Jones, the candidate who stood as an Independent in Fair Oak and Bishopstoke ward in the Hampshire county council elections, said the result “shows the strength of opposition to Eastleigh Borough Council’s local plan.”

She called on the winner, Liberal Democrat Mike Thornton, to make good a pledge made during the campaign to protect ancient woodland in the area known as Stoke Park Woods.

Parker-Jones came second with 1,124 votes standing on a platform that included opposition to proposals to build more than 6,000 new houses in the two villages – plans that have been condemned by many organisations, including local resident, conservation, angling, health and church groups and the Woodland Trust. TV naturalist Chris Packham has described the plans as “eco-vandalism”.

The seat was won by Thornton, the former MP with 1,980 votes. However, since all the other candidates made opposition to EBC’s plans a major part of their campaigns, it means that opponents took the lion’s share of the vote – 61%.

“This is an amazing result considering that we’re just a group of residents with little previous political experience taking on a former MP backed by a powerful party machine,” said Parker-Jones.

“I am delighted to note that during the campaign Mike Thornton made protecting Stoke Park Woods a top election pledge. I hope he will now say how he intends to make good that promise, and whether he will work with us to prevent plans by Eastleigh Borough Council that all experts agree would damage the woods beyond repair.

“Like everyone else we want new houses built in the borough, but there are much better, less damaging and more sustainable places to do so. The council’s motives are purely political and have nothing to do with creating a borough where people want to live.

“This is just the beginning for us. We’re giving a voice to local people who care passionately about their area and feel ignored.  The fight goes on until Eastleigh council stops playing politics with people’s lives.”


Mike Thornton, Liberal Democrat: 1,980
Lou Parker-Jones, Independent: 1,124
Steven Broomfield, Conservative: 1,000
John Edwards, UKIP: 451
Ray Bellinger, Labour: 364
Dave Hubble, Green: 124
